Craniofacial Conditions
The National Paediatric Craniofacial Centre (NPCC) is based in Temple Street Children’s University Hospital and provides treatment for children with craniofacial conditions from birth to 16 years of age. Craniofacial Conditions are complex conditions affecting the soft tissue or bones of the face and/or the head. These include congenital conditions such as premature fusion of the skull sutures and other anomalies, or acquired conditions such as trauma or tumours. More Information.

Patient and Family Information
At your first clinic visit at the National Paediatric Craniofacial Centre you will meet the Craniofacial Nurse Specialist and Craniofacial Clinical Services Coordinator who will provide on-going support to you and your child. Following your child’s diagnosis of a craniofacial condition, we can put you in contact with another family whose child has undergone treatment for the same condition. More Information

Healthcare Professionals News
We invite referring healthcare professionals to liaise with the NPCC in any queries they may have regarding referrals, treatment plans and carepathways. We offer you the opportunity to attend our outpatient clinics to provide you with further insight into how the NPCC operates and increase your knowledge of Craniosynostosis and other rare diseases . We aim to facilitate more education days in the future and we will keep you informed of any upcoming webinars/seminars on the News and Education section of our website. Please contact the craniofacial clinical services coordinator if you have any queries on craniofacial@cuh.ie